Principles of Animation - Arena Animation Tilak Road
The principles of animation are majorly known as Disney’s 12 principles of animation. These were introduced in the book ‘The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation’ authored by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in the year 1981. These principles lay down the foundation of animation learning as well as industrial operations in the present times. The primary use of these principles ranges from animating any character to introducing any motion in the animation work. The closer look at these principles will develop a clear understanding of the use of these principles. The twelve principles are as follows – 1. Squash and Stretch It is the most important principle amongst the rest. The illusion of mass, weight, gravity, and flexibility for any animated character are achieved through this principle only. This principle is largely used in animation and television studios. 2. Anticipation This principle is all about giving an apprehension to the viewers about the very next move of a given...